13114km's from point of origin!!
That is the first time we have reported on distance for a while. Quite mad actually, Cape to Cairo, which is crossing the entire African continent is about 10000km's, by the time we finish our Ethiopian jaunt and head back into Kenya we will probably have doubled that!!! WOW!!! As you can see from the map we are in Kampala, Uganda. In a few days I will make my way east into Kenya ahead of Karla who will join me shortly after. Yele is booked in hopefully for some new shoes and a bit of a service before we make our way north into the wonders of Ethiopia. The road north is the much dreaded Moyale - Marsabit road, there are youtube videos about it and I have read no end of horror stories about it. There are people coming down now who are writing stories of ripping their bash plates off their bikes, rattling numerous bolts right out of the subframe and worse. We have known about this road for a long time and to say we are apprehensive would be an understatement. But we will give it a go and see how we go, one last speedstar, wooohooooo!!!
As you can see also, the yellow line is the projected route so Ethiopia is massive and we will be looking to cover some serious ground as all of the historical route is in the North. So we are hoping to make it up near the Sudanese border and then we will make our way back down to Nairobi where we are set to fly out of Africa in exactly six weeks from today!!! Unbelievable, we are actually nearing the finish line!! Ethiopia is going to be nuts, I know it, so we can't afford to think about the finish line just yet.
The long overdue blog entry for Tanzania is with my editor for final review before submission, expect that on Thursday or Friday as I am going kayaking down the Nile river for three days while K finishes up her last week here at work.
I thought that I would throw in a photo of us white water rafting last weekend here on the Nile river. This shot pretty much covers how the day was for us, we flipped at nearly every rapid and this river was really something else. I am under water somewhere and that is Karla on the back behind a friend of ours Becky, about to get smashed but doing the right thing and making sure we had hold of the rope.
Rock on...
P and K xxx

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