Three updates in two days?? Surely not... Thanks to Mal for the running commentary, might need you ongoing my good man. Read on as there are numerous blog entries going up at one time.
We are writing tales and stories as we go, we don't see the internet for weeks on end, thus what we are going to do is what we have just done, push them all up at the same time as and when we can. You will get the gist of where we are and hopefully when and where they represent. In terms of where we are right now and how far we still have to go... we are at 4100km's from point of origin!!

The red line at the bottom of the map is where we started and where we are now. The yellow star up in the north east is where we ar going... hahahahahahahaha...
Happy birthday to my lovely wife for today, crossing into Botswana is a real treat for one's birthday. Aaaah, those african border crossings...
The plan is to get in and out of Botswana in a week! Two items of interest for us and then we head into Zimbabwe. I will update with a farewell note to Namibia in the coming days. Until then...
Love to all
P and K xxx
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